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Stages of athlete development in Olympic Weightlifting
Every athlete will inevitably reach a point in their sporting career where they reassess their potential and the benefit of their commitment to training.
Developing a High-Performance Structure in Australian Weightlifting
Discussion paper on high-performance Weightlifting in Australia written by Lionel (Leo) Isaac.
Training Twice a Day in Olympic Weightlifting
Athletes in Weightlifting at the elite level have engaged in 2 sessions of training per day since the 1970s and perhaps earlier. Most famously, it was the Bulgarian weightlifting coach,…
Coaching Weightlifting Illustrated
A book that is focused on on the process for learning Olympic Weightlifting, particularly the first crucial 3-6 months of skill development
Weightlifting Training Diary
Today, I informed an athlete that it was time to start keeping a training diary and was met with a request to provide a “sales pitch”. It’s a perfectly fair…
Wellness and the Safety Line
The wellness of athletes is a coaching priority. If an athlete’s training regime causes an injury or breakdown in physical or mental health, then performance falls and the purpose of…
Making Weight in Olympic Weightlifting
It is inevitable in any sport that separates competitors into bodyweight categories that the athlete will be faced with the proposition of manipulating their normal bodyweight up or down for…
Does the Olympic Weightlifter benefit from a Strength Program?
I was asked the question recently whether a Weightlifter who had developed reasonable technique would benefit by taking time out from normal Weightlifting training to pursue a training program that…
The moment of the “pull finish” in the Snatch?
The final moments of the pull in the Snatch are brief, so brief that it is exceptionally difficult for both the athlete and the coach to interpret what actually happens.…
Key Issues of Jerk Technique
The Jerk is a movement that is unforgiving of any weakness in the position of the body under the bar in the receiving position.
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