
  • The Beginner Olympic Weightlifting Program

    The Beginner Olympic Weightlifting Program is a comprehensive 48 session learning plan consisting of two books of 70 pages each and an online video course. Both Book 1 and Book…

  • Example of skill development program

    Types of Weightlifting Program

    It is not always easy to understand the different types of training program that are commercially available as the program purpose it not always overtly stated. The type of program…

  • Choosing your Olympic Weightlifting program

    There is so much variety of commercially available training programs on the Internet that it is difficult to choose an Olympic Weightlifting program to meet your needs. An Olympic Weightlifting…

  • Weightlifting Training Programs

    Olympic Weightlifting Programs

    A large collection of affordable, high-quality Olympic Weightlifting training programs for athletes at all levels of experience are available here. All programs are designed by Lionel (Leo) Isaac, author of…

  • Heavy barbell lifted 260Kg in clean and jerk

    Advanced Olympic Weightlifting Programs

    The Advanced Olympic Weightlifting Athlete The Advanced Athlete is one who has reached a high level of commitment and engages in regular consistent training 5 – 8 workouts per week. This…

  • Joachim Kunz

    Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Programs

    The Intermediate Olympic Weightlifter The Intermediate Olympic Weightlifter trains 3-4 days per week, and has progressed beyond the beginner stage of technique development. They will have between 1-3 years of…

  • Novice Olympic Weightlifting Programs

    The Novice Olympic Weightlifter The novice athlete is someone who has already completed 50 or more hours of training and is likely to have 6-12 months experience of Olympic Weightlifting.…

  • Writing Weightlifting Programs – 5 Principles to Improve Results

    Experienced Weightlifting coaches know the value of writing training programs for athletes. Yes, there are many limitations with a written program but if you want success as a coach, it…

  • Developing leg strength for Weightlifting

    Following a predetermined “squat program” for a number of weeks has always been a popular methodology for developing leg strength and over the decades there have been numerous examples promoted as…

Special Book Deal

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Click the above picture for more information on the 406 page book "Coaching Weightlifting Illustrated", ISBN-13: 9780646850634
