Making Weight in Olympic Weightlifting
It is inevitable in any sport that separates competitors into bodyweight categories that the athlete will be faced with the proposition of manipulating their normal bodyweight up or down for…
Rehabilitation and Recovery of Weightlifting Injuries
This article attempts to address one of the most serious errors that athletes frequently make in their training – a failure in regard to rehabilitation and recovery of Weightlifting injuries that result from overloading. Overloading is…
Movement Analysis
The following articles on movement analysis are provided for members and subscribers: Gestalt and Temporal Spatial Approaches to Movement Analysis Qualitative Analysis of the Snatch
Weight Loss and Making Weight in Weightlifting
It is inevitable in any sport such as Weightlifting that separates competitors into bodyweight categories that the participant will be faced with the proposition of manipulating their normal bodyweight up…
Energy expenditure and energy efficiency
Daily Energy Expenditure The daily energy expenditure of an individual has 3 components: The energy required to maintain the body at rest: referred to as resting metabolic rate or RMR.…
Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training
Is it possible to adapt simultaneously to strength training and endurance training? Considerable research has been undertaken in an attempt to answer this question. While there is a preponderance of…
Affect of Weightlifting on the Cardiovascular System
At moments when the Weightlifter applies maximal force, the internal pressure in working muscles is sufficiently great to interrupt blood flow. How does this affect the cardiovascular system, particularly the…
Proprioception in Weightlifting
Proprioception is a sense in just the same way as vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. It relies on sensory organs called proprioceptors located within muscles, tendons and joints that…
Muscle Coactivation and Strength
This article provides some theory about the concept of muscle coactivation and strength. The importance of this theory is that it helps to explain why Weightlifters must engage in training…
Muscle Anabolism
As a consequence of normal physical activity, it is estimated that 1-2% of skeletal muscle tissue is synthesised and broken down on a daily basis (Rasmussen & Phillips, 2003). This…
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