Recent Posts

  • The Path to High Performance: Part 2

    In Path to High Performance: Part 1, the article discussed the need for Technical Mastery and the paramount need for good quality coaching to avoid developing persistent errors of technique. This second article…

  • Mindset of the Olympic Weightlifter

    Carol Dweck is a distinguished professor and well-published researcher in Psychology who has taught at the universities of Columbia, Harvard, Illinois and Stanford where she is still a member of…

  • Intensity spectrum for pull exercises in Weightlifting

    Training Intensity for Pulls

    “Pulls” is collective name for a range of exercises that, depending on experience and ability, enable the athlete to focus on strength development or technique improvement, or both. The range of exercises…

  • The Path to High Performance: Part 1

    Any athlete who aspires to reach a high-performance level in Olympic Weightlifting will face a succession of challenges through which they must navigate. At the outset of the athlete development…

  • Leo Isaac at the 1980 Commonwealth Championships

    Leo Isaac – Olympic Weightlifting Coach

    The career of Lionel (Leo) Isaac in Olympic Weightlifting spans 49 years as an athlete, coach, coach educator, administrator and author. He is an accredited Level 3 (National) coach and…

Special Book Deal

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Click the above picture for more information on the 406 page book "Coaching Weightlifting Illustrated", ISBN-13: 9780646850634
