Olympic Weightlifting Coaching Services

High performance Olympic Weightlifting coaching services
Achieving high performance in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting requires not only a high level of motivation but also a number of important factors to be in place including (i) The opportunity to work with an experienced coach (ii) A training environment that supports the athlete (iii) A sensible training program which enables consistent quality work but avoids injury (iv) An understanding of the need for recovery between training sessions and maximising athlete well being and (v) Opportunities to compete at successively higher levels. In short athletes in the sport of Weightlifting need to avail themselves of expert Weightlifting coaching services, information and learning so that they can meet the challenges that they will undoubtedly face. The following services are provided to assist athletes attain high performance in Weightlifting:
- Personal Coaching by Leo Isaac
- Training Programs and Plans
- Intensive Training Camps and Workshops
- Video Analysis
Individual and Small Group Coaching
Personal weightlifting coaching by Leo Isaac is available if you live or wish to travel to Hobart, Tasmania. The venue for coaching is the Weightlifting Academy of Tasmania, 110 Mornington Rd Mornington Tasmania, in conjunction with Align Fitness.
Personal coaching by Leo Isaac affords the opportunity to receive not only expert guidance on learning or improving your Olympic Weightlifting technique but also advice on programs, training methodology and performance psychology.
The rates for a one-off personal Weightlifting coaching session are as follows:
- One-on-one coaching – $60 per hour
- Group of 2 persons – $90 per hour ($45 each)
- Group of 4 persons – $120 per hour ($30 each)
For a course of 5 one hour coaching sessions, the rates are as follows:
- Single person (5 sessions course) – $250 ($50 per one-hour session)
- Group of two (5 session course) – $350 ($35 per person per hour)
- Group of 4 persons (5 session course) – $500 ($25 per person per hour)
For inquiries please email: leo@trainingweightlifting.com
Intensive Training Camps
Leo Isaac runs intensive training camps of 5 days duration at the Weightlifting Academy of Tasmania, Hobart. Intensive training camps include:
- 2 training sessions per day of 90 minutes duration
- A 1-hour lecture on topics such as injury prevention and management, performance psychology, concepts of weightlifting technique, nutrition, movement analysis and more
- A 1-hour discussion group in which participants put questions on any matter related to training
Video Analysis of Lifts
Send a video file of yourself performing a snatch or a clean & jerk by email and receive an edited version back with illustrated feedback. Your video will be analysed in slow motion and detailed explanation and expert recommendations given on technical issues identified. Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.
Service Fee: $20 per lift analysed
Email: leo@trainingweightlifting.com
Workshops at your gym!
Leo is always happy to provide workshops tailored to meet the needs of Olympic Weightlifting clubs, Crossfit boxes, Institutes of Sport, Academic Institutes and other community sport groups anywhere in Australia. Typically workshops are 3 – 6 hours in duration and provide hands-on tuition to 20 or so participants. You can choose the topic, the duration and the destination. Happy to travel!
The fee for workshops depends on air travel and accommodation costs. Please inquire –
Email: leo@trainingweightlifting.com
Training Programs
This website provides Weightlifting training programs from beginners to advanced. These programs have been used by athletes of the Olympic Weightlifting Academy of Tasmania including national champions.
Go to: Training Programs