Training Methodology

  • Picture of a Weightlifter's Training Log

    Auto-regulation in Weightlifting Training

    Auto-regulation or self-regulation is an important but not widely understood concept in coaching. For those who might read this post, auto-regulation might be defined as the ability of the athlete…

  • Pushing training intensity in Olympic Weightlifting

    In the context of Olympic Weightlifting, a well-designed training program will provide the athlete with guidance on how to structure training across the week and make suitable changes to this…

  • Continuous Improvement in the Training of the Athlete

    From day 1 in the training process, an athlete learns how to train. Initially, this learning is fast but as the months and years go by, an athlete has fewer…

  • Training the Jerk

    The reality of the maximal Clean and Jerk Imagine the situation of the elite Weightlifter attempting a maximal Clean and Jerk. The barbell weight might be as much as 80%…

  • Rehabilitation and Recovery of Weightlifting Injuries

    This article attempts to address one of the most serious errors that athletes frequently make in their training –  a failure in regard to rehabilitation and recovery of Weightlifting injuries that result from overloading. Overloading is…

  • Training Intensity Percentages as Used in Weightlifting

    In Weightlifting, it is a common practice to use percentages (of best lifts) as a means to set the desired intensity of the athlete’s training in any given day. Intensity is measure of…

  • Level of athlete autonomy

    Conversation with athletes

    Last night I had a pre-planned group conversation with athletes at the club after training. I am not entirely sure what was expected by the athletes but this session had been billed…

  • The 21 Day Cycle for Training Programs

    Sport training programs are usually based on a 7-day microcycle. This is true in Weightlifting and it is probably true in most sports. It’s just part of the natural order of things that the weekly…

  • Gold Standards in Weightlifting

    The purpose of “Gold Standards” is to help individuals to identify strengths and weaknesses and to target areas of performance for improvement. There are always differences between individuals due to…

  • Training Methodology

    The Training Methodology section provides a number of links that are accessible only to subscribers. The following links are available to non-subscribers: Conversations with athletes The 21-day training cycle Exercises for improving…

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