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  • Pushing training intensity in Olympic Weightlifting

    In the context of Olympic Weightlifting, a well-designed training program will provide the athlete with guidance on how to structure training across the week and make suitable changes to this…

  • Kastritsi Clean and Jerk

    I want you to be a great athlete

    By Leo Isaac People often imagine that the life of any great athlete must be a joy to live but the truth is probably, that it is not. Sure, there…

  • Dealing with anxiety in Weightlifting

    For the athlete in Weightlifting, the final 2 weeks before a major competition is a difficult period in which athletes often have a tendency to conjure up all manner of…

  • Mental skills in Weightlifting

    It’s 4:00am, the day after an important local event and my mind is too active to sleep. I arrived home yesterday after a 14 hour day of coaching and organising…

  • Fundamental Change in Weightlifting

    At a coaching symposium held at the Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra,  in October 2017, I gave a presentation titled “Can Australia be competitive in Weightlifting?” The main purpose of…

  • A proposal for a club development program

    This article proposes the development and implementation of a club development program across the nation. The proposal looks at what the national body can do to promote club development and…

  • Continuous Improvement in the Training of the Athlete

    From day 1 in the training process, an athlete learns how to train. Initially, this learning is fast but as the months and years go by, an athlete has fewer…

  • Training the Jerk

    The reality of the maximal Clean and Jerk Imagine the situation of the elite Weightlifter attempting a maximal Clean and Jerk. The barbell weight might be as much as 80%…

  • The causes of burnout in athletes

    I have formed a view, as a result of a lengthy career in Olympic Weightlifting, that the most difficult tasks of the coach are neither the instruction of Weightlifting technique, …

  • Rehabilitation and Recovery of Weightlifting Injuries

    This article attempts to address one of the most serious errors that athletes frequently make in their training –  a failure in regard to rehabilitation and recovery of Weightlifting injuries that result from overloading. Overloading is…

Special Book Deal

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Click the above picture for more information on the 406 page book "Coaching Weightlifting Illustrated", ISBN-13: 9780646850634
