My Philosophy

Leo Isaac, Weightlifting, Snatch 130Kg at 1986 Commonwealth Games Trials, Sydney.
Leo Isaac, Snatch 130Kg in 67.5Kg category in 1986, Commonwealth Games Trials

“Exploring the outer edges of our capability is to live; not to is to let life pass by. To know one’s limits is to know oneself. What is small in one person’s mind may be big in another’s and who is to judge what is a big achievement if we have regard to the differing capabilities of individuals.

And when we have reached for the stars and obtained only the moon, we may not be happy but we can at least say that, for the moment, we have pushed forwards the frontier of human capacity and we know a little more about ourselves.”

Leo Isaac, 5 December, 1988
Leo Isaac, Weightlifting, Clean and Jerk 165Kg at 1986 Commonwealth Games Trials, Sydney.
Leo Isaac, Clean & Jerk 165Kg in the 67.5Kg category in 1986, Commonwealth Games Trials

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