Program 3131, Olympic Weightlifting Program


This 13-week 4-days per week Olympic Weightlifting training program is designed to prepare the athlete for competition at the end of the specified period.


This 13-week, 4 days per week Olympic Weightlifting training program is designed to prepare the athlete for competition at the end of the specified period. The program prescribes training intensity for all exercises by using percentages of personal best Snatch or Clean & Jerk. Guidance on the appropriate training volume is provided by a volume chart and the use of a simple-to-read system of codes.

Features of this program are:

  • Prepares the athlete for competition in 12 weeks.
  • A balanced schedule of exercises for each of the 48 training sessions.
  • A prescription of training intensity and volume for each exercise.
  • Access to a free online course that provides video and textual explanations of key coaching points for exercises.
  • Recommendation for warm-up and flexibility exercises.
  • Illustration charts for recommended core strength training and flexibility exercises.
  • Further assistance via the email address of the author inside the document.

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Download Level 3 Volume Guide for Training Program 3131

For access to the FREE online course in “Exercises and Skill Drills” go to TRAININGWEIGHTLIFTING.COM/SHOP and register.

Additional information




13 pages


13 weeks

Training Frequency

4 sessions per week


Competition Preparation



Key Features

Program is carefully designed to bring athlete to full fitness for competition. Includes a taper week and instructions given accordingly.

Special Book Deal

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Click the above picture for more information on the 406 page book "Coaching Weightlifting Illustrated", ISBN-13: 9780646850634
